There are many reasons to wear at hat.
The number one reason to wear a hat is sun protection. Many hats state that they have UV protection, but you'll at least want one that is closely woven to prevent rays from penetrating. I like ones with broad brims that shade my neck. Really broad brims even protect my shoulders when sunbathing. If you will be hiking or doing an active outdoor activity consider one that ties around the chin. Your hat will not only protect your skin, but keep your hair from sun damage and dryness.
The other great reason is glamour. Of course we've admired extravagant hats at events like the Kentucky Derby, but even a simple hat can add glamour to any woman's outfit. On a bad hair day I wear a hat, and I get all these compliments. I have to control myself not to say, "Thank you but actually I did not have time to style my hair today".
Lastly, I hear women say I do not look good in hats. My response is you simply have not found the style that best suits you. Just start trying them on.
Google "women's hats". The above image is from www.coolibar.com which specializes is sun protection.
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