At this time of the year it seems everyone is dealing with those extra pounds. While dieting or thinking about dieting here are some tips to help you feel and look slimmer.
1. Watch your posture. It can be as simple as lifting your rib cage.
2. Avoid wearing tight clothes. They will only emphasis your weight gain and depress you. If necessary buy a basic neutral dark top and bottom in a larger size. Usually your jackets and cardigans will still fit if you are only up 5-10 pounds.
3. Wear a column of colors. That is a matching top and bottom. It creates an unbroken vertical line.
4. Be sure your bra is doing it's job. A low bustline makes you look heavier than you are.
5. Add a small shoulder pad. This will make your shoulders broader than your hips.
The outfit above is from the Carlisle Spring Collection. The column of brown is slimming and the white Topper jacket is a loose construction which hides those extra pounds.
Some of the ideas for these tips are from Brenda Kinsel's book, "Forty over Forty". She is a fellow Association of Image Consultants member. Another great book is Leah Feldon's "Does This Make Me Look Fat."