As an image consultant I can not stress enough how important proper alterations are. Several women of various figure types might all wear basically a size 8. Yet possibly only one will be so lucky as to have an "off the rack" garment fit perfectly. So do not pass up an outfit that otherwise suits you without considering what can be altered for perhaps $20-40.
The length of the pants, skirt or sleeve is usually a simple alteration. A slim pant should end at about the ankle, as seen in the left photo. Classic trousers should be hemmed to just the top on the heel. Wide pants should cover about half the heel. A skirt length that flatters most legs ends where your leg curves in, which for most women is just below the knee cap. Personal preference also enters in. The tall Per Se models above look youthful in the shorter length. Sleeves should just cover your wrist bone, unless they are 3/4 length which should be about the middle of the lower arm.
Most well made garments can be let out in the waist. Conversely the waist band can also be taken in. If you have curves and want to show them off, have your alterations person nip the jacket in on the side and center back seams. Be sure the jacket still falls over hips without bunching up in back.
Women with large busts or broad backs often avoid sizing up because the shoulders and even the upper arms can get too over sized. A good tailor can adjust the shoulders and arms on a larger size, though this is a more expensive alteration.
Do the side pockets on a pant, skirt or dress bulge out making you look extra hippy? Then have them sewn down. Dresses are the hardest to buy without some tweaking. Buy a dress to fit your widest area: your hips or your bust. Then have the rest altered. If you are short waisted and the dress has a set waist, then you can have the waist shorted. If there is enough fabric a long waisted figure type could have the waist lengthened.
Find a good alterations person who can make you look perfectly tailored. It will add that extra polish that shows you pay attention to detail.