Monday, April 12, 2010

Fashion Show at Sheraton Universal

May 10 I helped put on a fashion show for St. Joseph's Medical Center Benefit. The theme was Kentucky Derby Day, so lots of the women wore hats including me. The fashion producer, Lucienda Meidema, did a great job with the CARLISLE fashions. The opening scene was done to the music of "Ascot Opening Day" from "My Fair Lady" with the models in five CARLISLE black and white outfits and hats striking poses to the music.
The hats in the fashion show were from Lynn Frances Millinery. She can customize a hat to go with any special occasion outfit. So if you have an outdoor wedding, afternoon tea, or trip to the Ascot races, she is your resource. or phone 866-lynfrances.

Thursday, April 1, 2010

Cocktail Attire that Dazzles

While the little black dress is always safe at a cocktail party, sometimes you want to stand out from the crowd. My client, Lisa Johnson Mandell, frequently attends entertainment industry events. In this deep purple taffeta she stood stand her ground with all the starlets. Here she is with James Cameron of Avitar fame. Lisa reported lots of compliments, and her husband was a hero. We had secretly arranged for James to purchase this dress for Lisa's birthday.
Check out Lisa at She is the author of "Career Comeback: Repackage Yourself to Get the Job You Want." She included some of my advice on appearance for professional women in her book. She has great tips on adapting resumes for today's marketplace and creating a web presence.